Tuesday, June 27, 2006

you know what i mean?

you know how you can tell that someone knows you very well?
when you say something to them that makes absolutely no sense or is completely wrong, but yet they understand exactly what you're trying to say, even when no one else can understand it!

i admit, i have a terrible short-term memory. when people tell me things, i forget half of the details. so when i have to relay information to people, i sometimes forget certain words or descriptions or details, especially if it's about something that i'm not too familiar with.

a few nights ago, i went out with friends to a Brazilian restaurant in the East Village for drinks. here's how i described that portion of the evening to Larry over the phone the next day.
me: we went to Churrascaria for some drinks last night.
Larry: oh yeah?
me: yeah, it was strong. we had a famous Brazilian drink. something called... (racking my brain for the drink name) uh, Syriana? (i pronounced it "seer-ee-ana")
Larry: uh, you mean Caipirinha? (correctly pronounced "cap-preen-ya")
me: YEAH! THAT'S IT! Caipirinha! oops, I called it Syriana, like the George Clooney movie. heehee! (laughing at myself)
Larry: aiyah, silly girl.
me: how'd you know what i was talking about?
Larry: of course, i'm your husband... i know you!

another perfect example of how well my husband knows me: a few years ago, we were packing up for our big move from California to New York. Larry's dad had called and told me to ask Larry whether we'd need to borrow his handtruck for our move. here's how i relayed the message to Larry later that day.
me: your dad called. he asked if we needed to borrow... some, uh, machine thing.
Larry: um, you mean a handtruck?
me: YEAH!!! that's it! a HANDTRUCK!!
Larry: machine thing? aiyah!
me: machine thing, handtruck... close enough!

go figure, Larry knew exactly what i was trying to say with my "machine thing" babble. haha! i don't think even I would've known myself what the hell that was about! he's definitely pretty good at understanding "Ivy language". if my husband can actually make sense out of all my nonsensical descriptions (and pretty quickly too), then he knows me pretty well, don't you think? ;)


At 4:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww~ See thats how you know that you guys are meant to be... he's fluent in Ivy language! Are you also fluent in Larry-ese? =D


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