Monday, July 09, 2007

"Ghetto Superstar"

ok, i LOVE Hip Hop music. i grew up listening to Hip Hop and R&B since back in the 'ole high school days. in fact, everyone in my high school listed to Hip Hop, R& B, and Rap. if you listened to anything else, especially Metal, Rock or god-forbid Country, then the other kids would give you shit about it. (and if you knew where i went to for high school, then you'll know why.. hehe)

anyways, last night we joined some friends at some launch party for an evening of hip hop. we didnt' stay too long, but we caught some raps by 2 local rappers, one of whom was called Ghoststyle. the most exciting part was the performance by Pras Michel (formerly of the Fugees) because i still remember when the Fugees first came out with their hit album, "The Score", during my college days.

we almost missed Pras by leaving early, but luckily we stay just a bit longer and caught him. too bad it was so short... but it was still cool to see him live. he came out with a medley of 2 of my favorite Fugees songs, "Ready or Not" and "Fu-Gee-La" (i loved this song!!), then "Ghetto Superstar" (minus Mya), and then one of his own singles. too bad we were standing way off to the side, so i didn't get to catch any good photos or videos.

s'ok though, i was still excited to get a dose of both local and U.S. hip hop at the same time here in Hong Kong! who would've thought that was possible?!


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